
Unveiling Everyday Triggers of Strabismus in Adults: Insights from Dr David Stager

Strabismus, commonly known as crossed-eye syndrome, is a condition where the eyes fail to align together properly, resulting in visual misalignment. While strabismus can have various causes, including traumatic brain injury and developmental issues, several everyday factors can trigger strabismus in adults, and Dr David Stager sheds light on these less-obvious culprits.

Computer Workstation Positioning: A Hidden Trigger

The positioning of your computer workstation can significantly impact your eye health and potentially lead to strabismus. Ensuring an ergonomically sound setup is essential for reducing eye strain and maintaining optimal eye alignment.

The top edge of the computer monitor should ideally be at eye level when sitting in front of it. This helps keep the head straight and prevents tilting it downward or upward to view the screen, reducing strain on the eye muscles. Additionally, position the keyboard to maintain relaxed and straight wrists while typing, and keep the mouse within easy reach to minimize strain during computer use. Placing the monitor at least an arm’s length away from the eyes also promotes a comfortable viewing distance.

Eye Strain: A Common Trigger for Strabismus

Prolonged periods of screen time or intense near-work activities can strain the eyes, leading to headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. Eye strain can also cause fatigue, making it challenging to focus on objects at a distance. If you experience any of these eye symptoms, it is crucial to take regular breaks from reading or working on a computer screen.

The “20-20-20” rule is a helpful guideline to alleviate eye strain. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something at least 20 feet away. This practice allows the eye muscles to relax and prevents the development of eye strain, potentially reducing the risk of strabismus.

Poor Lighting: An Overlooked Factor

The lighting environment in your home and workplace plays a crucial role in eye health. Frequent shifts between areas with dim and bright lighting can strain the eyes, contributing to eye fatigue and potential visual disturbances.

Ensuring consistent and adequate lighting throughout your workspace can help prevent eye strain and discomfort. Avoid sharp contrasts between light and dark areas to maintain a comfortable visual experience and reduce the likelihood of strabismus development in adulthood.

RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Hidden Culprits

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, often associated with repetitive movements, can surprisingly be linked to adult strabismus. These medical conditions, characterized by discomfort and pain in the hands and wrists, can inadvertently cause eye strain.

To mitigate the risk of RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, take regular breaks from work that involves repetitive hand movements. Stretching exercises and proper ergonomics can also help prevent these conditions and indirectly contribute to reducing the likelihood of strabismus.


Preventing strabismus in adults extends beyond addressing the more evident causes. Subtle factors like computer workstation positioning, eye strain, lighting, and repetitive hand movements can all play a role in the development of strabismus. By adopting healthy habits, such as adhering to ergonomically sound workstations, taking breaks to reduce eye strain, and maintaining consistent lighting, individuals can safeguard their eye health and reduce the risk of strabismus. Dr David Stager expert insights highlight these hidden triggers, empowering adults to take proactive measures for optimal eye alignment and overall visual well-being.

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